photo Sylvain Deleu

Haugen Sørensen working on the serie A Dark Story in White in his studio, Pietrasanta, Italy, 2017. Photo Simon Lautrop
Exhibition with Walter Dusenberry at Veksølund, Denmark, 1979. Photo Jacob Haugen Sørensen
A Heap with Bystanders, exhibition 4 Artisti Danesi. Palazzo Reale, Milan, 1977. Photo Gregers Nielsen


The artists’ society Decembristerne, 1956, 1958, 1963, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1976.
The artists’ society Grønningen, 1969, 1978-79, 1981-82, 1984, 1987-89 and from 1997-2021.
Veksølund, exhibition venue for sculpture, since 1978-2010.

Beyond the Vessel, Curated by Messums Wiltshire, Messums Wiltshire.

Beyond the Vessel, Meşher Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey, for the Koç Foundation.
Norman X Brask Art Collections, Copenhagen, Denmark.

BAU, Book Launch, La Triennale di Milano, GAMC Viareggio, Italy.

Festival of ceramics, Brandpunkt Terra, Oude Kerk, Delft, Holland.

Across, Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The patriarchs, Museum of religious art, Lemvig; Stiftung Christliche Kunst, Wittenberg, Germany, with Bjørn Nørgaard, Bodil Kaalund and Ingvar Cronhammar.

0° Festival Internacional de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Cosa guardi? Grafiche Aurora, Verona, Italy.

Gallery Profilen, Aarhus, Denmark.

4 x Eros, Gallery Profilen, Aarhus, Denmark, with Erik A. Frandsen, John Olsen and Jens Birkemose.

Gallery Profilen, Aarhus, Denmark.

Premio Internazionale di Scultura Constantino Nivola, The Danish Academy in Rome, Italy.

IX Biennale Internazionale di scultura Cittá di Carrara, Italy.

Images of Denmark, National Theatre in Accra, Ghana.
Tide, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mostra Internazionale di Scultura all’aperto, Gambarogno, Switzerland.
Danish Sculpture of 125 Years, Charlottenborg, Copenaghen, Denmark.

Human Touch, Trondheims Kunstforening 150 Years, Norway.
Border District Exhibition 1970-1995, Denmark.

Art Exchange Madras Scandinavia Tamil Nadu, India.

Idiomi Della Sculpture Contemporanea, 3rd. International sculpture exhibition, Verona, Italy.
BIO 2. Bienal Internacional de Escultura Contemporánea de Ópidos, Portugal.
Drawings and Sculptures, Bikuben Foundation, traveling exhibition, Denmark.

Sculpture, Carvings from Carrara, Massa and Pietrasanta, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, United Kingdom.
Represents Denmark in the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seoul, with Robert Jacobsen, Korea.
XII International Drawing Biennale, Moderna Galerija, Rijeca, Yugoslavia.

The Danish Show, Sculpture, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, United Kingdom.
Scultura di Passaggio, Montignoso, Italy.

The Danes, Liljevalchs Kulturhus, Stockholm, Sweden.
Night of Lead and Ashes, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Scultura Disegnata, Rome, Italy.
XI International Drawing Biennale, Moderna Galerija, Rijeca, Yugoslavia.

Il Passato e la Presenza, Città di Pietrasanta, Italy.
An Alternative art communication, Esbjerg Art Museum, Esbjerg, Denmark.

Attitudes, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, with Walter Dusenberry, Lee Gran Jean and Glynn Williams, United Kingdom.
Paris – Copenhagen, Galerie Birch in Den Frie Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Veksølund visits Nikolaj, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Scultori e artigiani in un centro storico, Pietrasanta, Italy.

XI International Sculpture Conference, Washington DC, USA.
IX International Drawing Biennale, Moderna Galerija, Rijeca, Yugoslavia.

15 Biennale, Middelheim Sculpture Park, Antwerp, Belgium.

70 Scultori Contemporanei, Sommacampagna, Verona, Italy.
VII International Drawing Biennale, Moderna Galerija, Rijeca, Yugoslavia.

Art Is Better Than Gold, Galerie Birch, Copenhagen, Denmark.   
4 artisti Danesi, Minna Heimbürger Ravalli: with Arne Haugen Sørensen, Robert Jacobsen, Egill Jacobsen, Palazzo Reale, Milan, Italy.
Forme Nel Verde, S. Quirico D’Orcia; Abbadia S. Salvatore, Italy.

V  International Drawing Biennale, Moderna Galerija, Rijeca, Yugoslavia.
A Selection of Danish Artists after 1945, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

III International Biennale for small sculptures, Budapest, Hungary.
Forma Viva, International Symposium of Sculptors 73/76, Maribor, Yugoslavia.
Cole and Steiness Art Gallery, Beverly Hills, California, USA.

The Free Artists, Den Frie, Galerie Birch, Copenhagen, and Northern Jutland Museum of Art, Denmark.
IV international exhibition of original drawings, Rijeka, Jugoslavia.

Art Danoise, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France.

Cuardernos del Taller, Clot, Bramsen et Georges, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico.

Jysk Kunstgalleri, Sven Hansen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Pittsburgh International Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Young Danish Art 1942-1967, Den Frie Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark.
Young Danish Art, The Pagani foundation, Milan, Italy.

The Twelve, Internasjonal Billedkunst, Bergen, Stavanger, Norway;
Galerie Birch, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jeune Sculpture, Musée Rodin, 1966, 1969, Paris, France.

Traveling exhibition in Germany, Holland and Poland.

Danish Abstract Art, travelling exhibition USA: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas, Texas; Florida Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida; Robertson Memorial Art Center, Binghamton, New York; The Art Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Inst., Washington D.C.

The Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, USA.
Å-udstillingen The Aarhus exhibition and 1963, Denmark.
IV, V VI Concorso Internazionale del Bronzetto, 1963 and 1965, Padua, Italy.

Youth Biennale, Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Parisin, Paris 1959 and 1963; wins critics’ prize 1963, 1965.
Traveling exhibitions in Holland, Austria, Sweden and Norway.

The Horticultural Society’s Garden, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
Biennale in Venice, with Palle Nielsen, Poul Christensen and Sigurd Vasegaard, Italy.
Seven Young Talents in Danish Art, Kunstforeningen, Oslo, Norge.
3 Sculpteurs et 7 Peintres-Graveurs Expo. de sculpture et art graphique danois, Maison du Danemark, Paris, France.

Modern Danish Art, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Modern Danish Art, Gentofte Town Hall, Denmark.
The Permanent, Aarhus, Denmark.
Modern Danish Art, traveling exhibition in Sweden.
Danish Art, Deense beeldhouwkunst, Stadspark Groningen, traveling exhibition in Holland.

Summer Exhibition 1956, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Artists’ Autumn Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kunst 1954, Børge Birch, Charlottenborg Copenhagen, Denmark.
1 Sculptor and 3 Painters, Galerie Athenæum, t.w Ejler Berg, J.P. Groth Jensen og Eigil Wendt, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Charlottenborg’s Spring Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark.